



  • win10
  • qshell






Qiniu commandline tool for managing your bucket and CDN

qshell [command]

Available Commands:
account Get/Set AccessKey and SecretKey
alilistbucket List all the file in the bucket of aliyun oss by prefix
b64decode Base64 Decode, default nor url safe
b64encode Base64 Encode, default not url safe
batchchgm Batch change the mime type of files in bucket
batchchtype Batch change the file type of files in bucket
batchcopy Batch copy files from bucket to bucket
batchdelete Batch delete files in bucket
batchexpire Batch set the deleteAfterDays of the files in bucket
batchfetch Batch fetch remoteUrls and save them in qiniu Bucket
batchmove Batch move files from bucket to bucket
batchrename Batch rename files in the bucket
batchsign Batch create the private url from the public url list file
batchstat Batch stat files in bucket
buckets Get all buckets of the account
cdnprefetch Batch prefetch the urls in the url list file
cdnrefresh Batch refresh the cdn cache by the url list file
chgm Change the mime type of a file
chtype Change the file type of a file
completion generate autocompletion script for bash
copy Make a copy of a file and save in bucket
d2ts Create a timestamp in seconds using seconds to now
delete Delete a remote file in the bucket
dircache Cache the directory structure of a file path
domains Get all domains of the bucket
expire Set the deleteAfterDays of a file
fetch Fetch a remote resource by url and save in bucket
fput Form upload a local file
get Download a single file from bucket
help Help about any command
ip Query the ip information
listbucket List all the files in the bucket
listbucket2 List all the files in the bucket using v2/list interface
m3u8delete Delete m3u8 playlist and the slices it references
m3u8replace Replace m3u8 domain in the playlist
mirrorupdate Fetch and update the file in bucket using mirror storage
move Move/Rename a file and save in bucket
pfop issue a request to process file in bucket
prefop Query the pfop status
privateurl Create private resource access url
qdownload Batch download files from the qiniu bucket
qetag Calculate the hash of local file using the algorithm of qiniu qetag
qupload Batch upload files to the qiniu bucket
qupload2 Batch upload files to the qiniu bucket
reqid Decode qiniu reqid
rpcdecode rpcdecode of qiniu
rpcencode rpcencode of qiniu
rput Resumable upload a local file
saveas Create a resource access url with fop and saveas
stat Get the basic info of a remote file
sync Sync big file to qiniu bucket
tms2d Convert timestamp in milliseconds to a date (TZ: Local)
tns2d Convert timestamp in Nanoseconds to a date (TZ: Local)
ts2d Convert timestamp in seconds to a date (TZ: Local)
unzip Unzip the archive file created by the qiniu mkzip API
urldecode Url Decode
urlencode Url Encode
user Manage users
version show version

-C, --config string config file (default is $HOME/.qshell.json)
-d, --debug debug mode
-h, --help help for qshell
-L, --local use current directory as config file path
-v, --version show version

Use "qshell [command] --help" for more information about a command.


  1. 在七牛云查找到自己的AK和SK,粘贴到命令:
qshell account ak sk
  1. 在对象存储中新建一个Bucket,假设名字为NewBucket
  2. 将原来Bucket中的所有图像复制到NewBucket
  • 这里首先需要导出原Bucket中的图片list,使用命令:
qshell listbucket originBucket localFileName.txt



def deal_with_file(file_in, file_out):
with open(file_in, 'r') as fin:
with open(file_out, 'w+') ad fout:
for line in fin:
line = line.split('\t')
fout.write(line[0] + '\n')


  • 执行命令,将list中的file都复制到newBucket中:
qshell batchcopy originBucket newBucket cleanedLocalFileName.txt
  • qshell.exe根目录新建qshell.conf文件
"dest_dir" : "./qiniu", // 文件下载所保存的目录
"bucket" : "newBucket", // 空间名
"domain" : "http://niuyuanyuanna.clouddn.com/", // 空间域名
"access_key" :"******", // ak
"secret_key" :"******", // sk
"prefix" : "",
"suffix" : ""
  • 执行命令,将newBucket中的文件下载到本地:
qshell qdownload 10 qshell.conf	  	// `10` 为下载的并发协程数量







def find_image_file(md_file):
# 这个函数主要是将markdown中对应的url中的img移动到对应的目录下
img_patten = r'!\[.*?\]\((.*?)\)|<img.*?src=[\'\"](.*?)[\'\"].*?>'
if os.path.splitext(md_file)[1] != '.md':
cnt_replace = 0
with open(md_file, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f:
post = f.read()
matches = re.compile(img_patten).findall(post)
if matches and len(matches) > 0:
for match in list(chain(*matches)):
if match and len(match) > 0:
match_l = match.split('/')
sub_dir_name = match_l[-2]
file_name = match_l[-1]
url_base = match_l[-3]
if url_base == 'p6um59a45.bkt.clouddn.com':
full_path = os.path.join('E:\\UnusualSoftwares\\qshell-v2.3.4\\blog_images', sub_dir_name, file_name)
dir_path = 'F:\\blog\\blog_imgs\\computerVersion\\'
output_name = os.path.join(dir_path, file_name)
if not os.path.exists(output_name):
if not os.path.exists(full_path):
print('path {} not exists'.format(full_path))
shutil.move(full_path, dir_path)
cnt_replace = cnt_replace + 1
print('move {}'.format(full_path))
print('{} is not in qiniuyun'.format(match))
if post and cnt_replace > 0:
print('{} done'.format(os.path.basename(md_file)))
elif cnt_replace == 0:

def repalce_url(md_file):
# 这个函数真正替换markdown中的url
img_patten = r'!\[.*?\]\((.*?)\)|<img.*?src=[\'\"](.*?)[\'\"].*?>'
if os.path.splitext(md_file)[1] != '.md':
cnt_replace = 0
dir_ts = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S', time.localtime())
with open(md_file, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f:
post = f.read()
matches = re.compile(img_patten).findall(post)
if matches and len(matches) > 0:
for match in list(chain(*matches)):
if match and len(match) > 0:

match_last_name = match.split('/')[-1]
new_url = 'https://github.com/niuyuanyuanna/BlogImages/raw/master/computerVersion/'
new_url = new_url + match_last_name
post = post.replace(match, new_url)
cnt_replace = cnt_replace + 1

if post and cnt_replace > 0:
open(md_file, 'w', encoding='utf-8').write(post)
elif cnt_replace == 0:


all done!


Author: NYY
Link: http://yoursite.com/2018/12/06/others/picgo/
Copyright Notice: All articles in this blog are licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 unless stating additionally.